
Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Neurodevelopmental Disorders services offered in Owings Mills, MD

Neurodevelopmental disorders cause significant difficulties in areas like language, social skills, and learning, but those symptoms don’t have to hold you back. At Healthyminds Wellness LLC, knowledgeable psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner Ayorinde Oyeneyin, DNP, uses his extensive holistic health knowledge to design a treatment plan that helps you thrive. Patients aged 12 and older are welcome. Call the Owings Mills, Maryland, office or click on the online scheduler to book your evaluation now.

Neurodevelopmental Disorders Q&A

What are neurodevelopmental disorders?

Neurodevelopmental disorders affect the nervous system, particularly the brain. They occur when brain development is atypical, so disorders of this type are commonly diagnosed during childhood. 

The most common neurodevelopmental disorders include autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), learning disabilities, and intellectual disabilities.  

What are the signs of a neurodevelopmental disorder?

Neurodevelopmental disorders can cause problems in several areas, including:

  • Speech and language issues
  • Difficulty with motor skills
  • Unusual behaviors
  • Difficulties with social interactions and relationships 
  • Difficulty regulating emotions 
  • Learning problems
  • Memory issues
  • Attention problems

Neurodevelopmental disorders can cause symptoms that range from mild to severe, so overall mental and physical function varies widely. 

Are neurodevelopmental disorders curable?

Neurodevelopmental disorders persist throughout life, so there isn’t a cure for them yet. However, neurodevelopmental disorders are manageable with help from professionals, and you can greatly improve your quality of life through treatment.

At Healthyminds Wellness LLC, Dr. Oyeneyin is a nurse practitioner with considerable experience in both mental health and bodywide physical health. This allows him to help patients with neurodevelopmental disorders in the way that works best for all of their symptoms, not just the mental ones. 

How are neurodevelopmental disorders treated?

Treatment paths for neurodevelopmental disorders usually include a blend of behavioral therapy and medication management. 

Behavioral therapy

With behavioral therapy, Dr. Oyeneyin works with you to help you understand and manage your emotions, develop new skills, cope with troublesome symptoms, and take steps to improve every area of your life. 

Behavioral therapy also includes support for your family so they can learn how to better support you.

Medication management

Medication is specific to your disorder. In general, medications for neurodevelopmental disorders focus on symptom relief. For example, the right medication can significantly reduce symptoms like social anxiety, hyperactive behaviors, and tics. 

Dr. Oyeneyin considers your cognition level, individual strengths, and overall functioning to determine the medications best for you. He closely monitors you over time so you get the most effective symptom relief with the fewest side effects.

Treatment always considers your unique needs and celebrates your abilities as a person with a neurodevelopmental disorder. In this way, Dr. Oyeneyin helps you navigate the world with improved confidence and a better ability to communicate. 

Call Healthyminds Wellness LLC or click online booking to arrange your evaluation now.